Change/Defer Application Form

  • NOTES:

    *Use this form if you are a new or readmitted student who has not started classes yet for your application semester, and want to either change your academic program and/or defer your application to a different semester. If you are a current student attending classes right now or have attended in the last 3 semesters, use the Change of Major form (

    **You may only defer your application to the semester prior to, or the semester following your original application term. Exception: Applications for the Spring semester may be deferred to the following Summer or Fall semester.

    ***Applications for Automotive, Massage Therapy, Motorcycle, Nursing, Surgical Technology, Veterinary Technology and Welding cannot be deferred to the Spring or Summer semesters; Fall semester admission only.

    This form CANNOT BE USED for the following selective and limited enrollment programs: Automotive, Motorcycle, Massage Therapy, Nursing, Surgical Technology, Veterinary Technology, or Welding. A new application must be submitted for these programs.

    Students can change into the following criteria programs with the understanding that additional admissions requirements may need to be met: Biotechnology Certificates, Computer Numeric Control, Linux, Nondestructive Testing, Programming, Software Development, Technical Studies, and Veterinary Practice Management.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • By my signature below, I understand that:
    1. The appropriate college officials will review this request for possible approval.
    2. Courses previously taken at GBCC may not transfer to my program.
    3. Courses previously transferred to GBCC may not transfer to my program.
    4. .Change of majors approved after the Add/Drop period of the semester are effective the next semester.
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) uses electronic signatures and records in place of traditional ones whenever possible. You will conduct business electronically using a computer with a supported operating system and internet browser, sufficient electronic storage capacity, a printer and your official CCSNH email account. By logging into CCSNH systems, including but not limited to Banner, SIS and Canvas, you are opting to conduct electronic transactions with the Community College System and consenting to receive written notices electronically, including those involving financial obligations, and you are acknowledging that CCSNH can use electronic mechanisms alone to convey critical information related to your admission, financial aid, payment plan, student account, transcript information, registration and other activities and accounts you may undertake or have as a student at CCSNH. You have a right to request a paper copy of an electronic record. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Student Services. If you decide to withdraw your consent, however, you may be prevented from registering for classes.

  • Program Requirements
    Biotech Certificate Applicant must have completion of High School Algebra, Biology, Chemistry with a grade of “C” or better or equivalent competencies & placement into ENGL110G or higher with the Accuplacer or equivalent competencies
    Biotech Adv Cert (Not FA Eligible) Applicant must have completion of college level Biology & Chemistry & Permission of Department Chair
    Computer Numeric Control Applicant must have completed Accuplacer testing for math and computer (no specific placement is required)
    Linux Cert Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate college level readiness in Reading, Writing, Math or demonstrate equivalent competencies; Applicants must also have completion of CIS110 or higher
    Nondestructive Testing Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into MATH080 (or higher), college level Reading, CS107 or higher
    Programming Applicant must have successfully completed MATH 170 or transferred in an equivalent course & Applicant must complete the Accuplacer and scores must indicate college level readiness in reading, writing, or demonstrate equivalent competencies
    Software Development Applicant must take the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into MATH150 or MATH170, ENG110, CIS107 or higher
    Technical Studies Approval from Academic Affairs
    Vet Practice Management Applicant must complete the Accuplacer and scores must indicate placement into college level Math, Reading, Writing or demonstrate equivalent competencies; Applicants must also provide 2 years related work experience (or Acceptance into VTA) on GBCC Form